Latest Episodes
Guest Speaker Priscilla Reid from CFC Belfast
What to do when life puts you in a lay-by.
It's NOT about the Bread
God's promises of provision are so prevalent they shouldn't occupy our minds, worry about our needs. Jesus warned instead that we, should be on...
5 Myths about Christianity - Pastor Tom Burke
The top five myths or untruths about Bible-believing Christianity that I've heard the most over my four decades a Christian.
What kind of weirdo are YOU?
We're all a little weird about something, aren't we? For some people it's their animals; for others it's food or hygiene. Pastor Mike contends...
When Jesus Sang - Pastor Tom Burke
Praise is our weapon! Jesus sang at the Last Supper and in the Garden of Gethsemane as He faced into His death on the...
Wind Shift - Our Changing Spiritual Lives - Pastor Tom Burke
First in the natural, then in the spiritual. That's what the word of God says. There is a changing Spiritual climate in Ireland. God...