Latest Episodes
Through Closed Doors - Pastor Tom Burke
Sometimes it is us who close doors in our lives; but Jesus is still coming through closed doors and saying to us, "Peace be...
The Good Rebel? - Pastor Tom Burke
Maybe it takes someone from the Rebel County of Cork to encourage Christians to be Good Rebels for the Kingdom of God?
The Greatest - Pastor Mike O'Donovan
Jesus said whoever is least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than John the Baptist. That means that if we're born again, we...
ON Purpose - Pastor Mike ODonovan
God always acts ON purpose to provide for us, so we can fulfil our purpose in Him.
Guest Speaker Priscilla Reid from CFC Belfast
What to do when life puts you in a lay-by.
It's NOT about the Bread
God's promises of provision are so prevalent they shouldn't occupy our minds, worry about our needs. Jesus warned instead that we, should be on...