Latest Episodes

For Us or Against Us? - Pastor Michael O'Donovan
Sometimes the things that appear to be against us, are in fact for us. A limb is amputated to save a life. Mike explores...

Household Aroma - Pastor Tom Burke
Tom shares profound insight about the last house Jesus visited before he faced trial and death. Does your home and more importantly, the people...

Got to have Faith - Associate Pastor Dara Burke
Dara reminds us to close the door on things that change the atmosphere in our lives and to put our faith in Jesus who...

The Secret to Success - Pastor Michael O'Donovan
Do you want your life to be a success? Pastor Michael explores how success looks different to different people and outlines what success looks...

Power, Prayer & Possession - Pastor Michael O'Donovan
By prayer we take possession of the power God's wants us to have in our lives. By prayer — Pastor Mike exhorts us —...

Jesus' Other Home - Pastor Tom Burke
Throughout the Bible Jesus visited people in their homes. Do you need Jesus to visit your home? Tom asks the question: Why did Jesus...