Latest Episodes
How Much? Dr. Brian Synnott
Brian explores some of the questions people often ask him about God. How Jesus answered a man who came to him with questions in...
Strange Companions - Pastor Tom Burke
Tom dives into Acts 10 and looks at the strange companions God called together for his purposes. Sometimes God does that in our lives...
Out of Nothing - Pastor Tom Burke
Do you ever look at a situation in your life and think it's useless, hopeless! The Spirit of God hovered over the darkness before...
Good For Your Soul Too - Pastor Mike O'Donovan
Mike teaches us more practical things that are good for our souls - that part of us that will live forever. Looking at Jesus...
Good For Your Soul - Pastor Mike O'Donovan
To do what is good for your soul is to do good for that part of you which will last forever. Mike encourages us...
Between Places - Pastor Mike O'Donovan
If Life's a journey, our minds are often focussed on the destination. But none of us knows exactly what our destination will be. In...