Latest Episodes
Blessing in Babylon - Pastor Mike O'Donovan
Michael draws the parallel between the exile experience of the Israelites in Babylon and the Christians in today's culture.
Grow in Grace - Associate Pastor Dara Burke
Dara speaks about how we as Christians need to grow in grace; and takes us through four ways to do so.
Connect with the Risen Jesus - Pastor Tom Burke
Tom encourages us to make peace with God this Easter. To connect with the risen Jesus. To fear God and not man. When he...
A GOOD question? - Pastor Michael O'Donovan
A good question can reveal the motives of the heart. Jesus asked more than 50 questions in Mark's Gospel alone. "Who do YOU say...
Behind Enemy Lines - Pastor Mike O'Donovan
Mike shares how every Christian is born into a battle which takes place behind enemy lines; into a hostile culture that isn't always welcoming...
Push & Pull - Pastor Tom Burke
Tom reminds us about the push and pull of life. He shows us how in Biblical times it was a big push to attend...