Latest Episodes

Divine Destiny Part 2 of 2 - Associate Pastor Dara Burke
Dara builds on her previous message with a gripping biblical account from the time when Deborah was a judge in Israel. How God empowered...

Divine Destiny Part 1 of 2 - Associate Pastor Dara Burke
God has included you in His plans, he has planned a Divine Destiny for you, but only you can choose to walk in it....

Dealing with Discouragement - Pastor Mike O'Donovan
Most people deal with discouragement some of the time; whether at work, school, in their relationships, financially or otherwise. Mike shares on what the...

Strong Silence - Pastor Tom Burke
There's a time to speak and a time to remain silent. Tom reminds us of the example Jesus set, how we can have strong...

Unburdened - Pastor Tom Burke
Tom talks about when a weight we carry is lifted off us, we become unburdened. That weight might be anxiety, a relationship or health...

Rescue in the Ruin - Pastor Mike O'Donovan
Mike shows us from the book of Nehemiah how they rebuilt the walls amidst the ruins. How practical their faith was. They prayed AND...